
Integrate Storage

To use KanbanWave, you need to provide a storage object that handles API calls or database operations. You should implement a KWStorage object to define how to interact with boards, lists, and cards.

Here’s an example of integrating custom API calls:

import { KWStorageProvider, KWStorage } from 'kanbanwave';

const storage: KWStorage = {
  createCard: (boardId, listId, cardForm) =>'/cards', { boardId, listId, cardForm }),
  updateCard: (boardId, listId, card) =>
  deleteCard: (boardId, listId, cardId) =>
  reorderCard: (boardId, fromListId, toListId, draggedCardId, droppedCardIndex) =>
    axios.patch('/reorder-cards', { boardId, fromListId, toListId, draggedCardId, droppedCardIndex })
  /* ... */

function App() {
  return (
    <KWStorageProvider storage={storage}>

For more details on implementing the storage interface, please refer to the API documentation.

Display Board Collection and Board

Once the storage is set up, you can render the BoardCollection and BoardView components to display boards and lists. These components can be used with routing libraries like React Router.

Displaying All Boards

import { BoardCollection } from 'kanbanwave';

function BoardListPage() {
  return <BoardCollection />;

BoardCollection renders a list of all the boards available in your storage. Users can manage multiple boards directly from this component.

Viewing a Specific Board

import { BoardView } from 'kanbanwave';
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';

function BoardContentPage() {
  const { boardId } = useParams<RouterParamKeys>();
  if (boardId == null) {
    return 'Error!';
  return <BoardView boardId={boardId} />;

BoardView renders the lists and cards of a specific board, based on the boardId retrieved from the route.

Routing with React Router

You can set up routes to display the list of boards and view a specific board using React Router.

import { createBrowserRouter, Navigate } from 'react-router-dom';

const router = createBrowserRouter([
    { path: '/', element: <Navigate to="/boards" /> },
    { path: '/boards', element: <BoardListPage /> },
    { path: '/boards/:boardId', element: <BoardContentPage /> }

export default router;

And you can fix it like this. Customize the way boards are rendered within BoardCollection by wrapping each board with React Router's Link component.

import { Board, BoardCollection } from 'kanbanwave';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';

function BoardListPage() {
  return (
      boardRender={{ boardProps, board } => (
        <Board {...boardProps} as={Link} to={`/boards/${}`} />

In this example, each board is wrapped with a Link that navigates to the board’s detailed view. This allows users to click on a board and be redirected to a page where they can see the lists and cards for that board. For more advanced customization options, such as customizing the rendering of boards, lists, and cards, refer to the Customization section.


There are functional props available for customizing the board, list, and card components, as well as the components for adding new boards, lists, and cards. These props allow you to replace or extend the default components provided.

Board Customization

  • The boardRender is a function that allows you to customize how the Board component is rendered. If you don't provide this boardRender prop, the default Board component will be rendered.
  • The addBoardRender is a function that lets you customize the AddBoard component used for adding new boards. Similarly, you can replace or extend the default AddBoard component with your own.
import { Board, AddBoard } from 'kanbanwave';

  boardRender={(boardProps, board) => <Board {...boardProps} />}
  addBoardRender={addBoardProps => <AddBoard {...addBoardProps} />}

List and Card Customization

It's the same as board. In the BoardView component, customize how each list and card is rendered using the listRender and cardRender props. Use addListRender and addCardRender to customize the rendering of components for adding new lists and cards.

import { List, AddList, Card, AddCard } from 'kanbanwave';

  listRender={(listProps, list) => <List {...listProps} />}
  addListRender={addListProps => <AddList {...addListProps} />}
  cardRender={(cardProps, card) => <Card {...cardProps} />}
  addCardRender={addCardProps => <AddCard {...addCardProps} />}


Theming in KanbanWave allows you to customize the look and feel of your boards, lists, and cards by adjusting the available CSS variables. You can modify colors, spacing, font sizes, and shadows to fit the specific design of your project. Here is an example of defining board styles. In this way, you can implement a consistent and easily adjustable design

.board {
  background-color: var(--kw-board-background-color);
  border-style: var(--kw-board-border-style);
  border-color: var(--kw-board-border-color);
  border-width: var(--kw-board-border-width);
  border-radius: var(--kw-board-border-radius);
  box-shadow: var(--kw-board-box-shadow);
  padding: calc(var(--kw-spacing) * 4);
  cursor: pointer;
  transition: transform var(--kw-transition-duration) var(--kw-transition-timing-function);

  &:hover {
    background-color: var(--kw-board-background-color-hovered);
    border-color: var(--kw-board-border-color-hovered);
    box-shadow: var(--kw-board-box-shadow-hovered);
    transform: scale(1.02);

  &:active {
    background-color: var(--kw-board-background-color-pressed);

For detailed information on customizing the theme, please refer to the following file: Theming Variables